Monday, May 28, 2012


Pink is the color that looks very friendly
Pink is the sound of laughter and happiness
Pink is the color that would tickle someone pink
Pink is the smell of flowers of blossom
Pink is the tast of strawberry sweetness
Pink makes me happy in every way..

My Best colour!
Yes, Red is my best colour,
The colour, it exudes blood, commitment.
The colour of valiance and determination.
The colour is sacrifice and heroism.
Freedom is Red, no other colour.
It's culture, sacrificial love, enduring ardour.
I want to give you my bangles of rhyme.
Will you go with me on the way of time?

There is something special
About a baby's feet
They are so cute and tiny
And they look so adorable and sweet.

Rapunzel, Rapunzel let down your hair
There Are A Lot Of Smileys In Happy Land.
Being Sad Is What They Simply Cannot Stand.
They Wave To You With Lots Of Glee,
They Are The Cutest, Its Easy To See.

My little handprints on the walls
On the mirrors and in the halls
I'll be grown some day
And all those tiny handprints
Will surely fade away
So here's a special gift
Just so you can recall
Exactly how my hands looked
When I was very small
Adding colors to life. She knows it very well. Here is a beautiful poem By Mary O’Neill

The colours live
Between black and white
In a land that we
Know best by sight.
But knowing best
Isn’t everything
For colours dance

And colours sing
And colours laugh
And colours cry
Turn off the light
And colours die,
And they make you feel
Every feeling there is
From the grumpiest grump
To the fizziest fizz.
And you and you and I
Know well
Each has a taste
And each has a smell
And each has a wonderful
Story to tell.

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